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PS4 (Original) Blu Ray Laser Replacement

PS4 Blu Ray Laser Deck Replacement Guide

Difficulty Level - Medium

If you have disc reading problems with your PS4, we recommend starting with our PS4 Mechanical Problems troubleshooting first.


If you have tried that, and you still can't get your games to play, it's time to start looking at the laser itself.


Replacing the laser is fairly easy, and won't take too long, but you will have to buy as laser. Check out the tools and equipment you may need below, with links to Amazon. Double check you have the right laser for your console.

Estimated repair time  45 mins

Estimated cost              £20 ($30)

Faulty Laser Symptoms


- PS4 Not playing games

- PS4 Disc Not Spinning

-  Game freezes

- Error code when disc starts up

- Game stops playing during play

Tools Needed

Complete Tool Kit
Cleaning Fluid
PS4 Laser
PS4 Twin Laser

Blu Ray laser problems are in the top 3 issues we see with customer consoles.


Over a period of 2-3 years of constant battering, your PS4 laser puts in a good shift. Eventually, they pack up, wear out, get gunk on them, and give you a headache when you can no longer play your favourite games.


Sending your console to the local repair centre can take days, and cost you up to £75 for a replacement laser.


Here, I'm going to show you how to do it, and show you how to clean your laser first of all, as this could cost you £20+ in laser costs. Very often all that is required is for you to clean your laser 'eye', and you're good to go again.


Other issues may require you to look at the mechanics inside the drive. The symptoms can be very similar, and I suggest you start with cleaning your laser, and checking the mechanics before you go on to Amazon and spend money on a laser. Please see my PS4 Blu Ray Mechanical Guide and video to troubleshoot this issue.


This guide will show you how to replace the complete laser DECK - Because it is EASIER TO DO - that means the laser AND the mechanical chassis that it sits in.  Please see the photos at the bottom of the page to view the decks. If you just want to replace the laser unit itself (less recommended as its more difficult) please see my PS4 laser replacement video.



Faulty Laser Unit Symptoms


As I've just said, sometimes we can get away with cleaning the laser "eye", and it will cost you nothing. However, if the disc isn't spinning at all (and you can normally hear it spinning if you put your ear to the console), it is most likely because the laser is faulty. If the laser isn't working, the disc drive will not spin the disc, or will struggle to spin properly.


At this point it will need replacing. 


If the laser IS faulty, usually you will be able to put the disc into the drive and eject ok, but it won't play your game.




There are 2 types of laser for the original PS4 1000 / 1100 models. One has a single eye laser, one has a twin eye. Just make sure you buy single or twin, depending on your own laser. I've provided links to both types at the bottom of the page.



Drive circuit board fuses blown


If your Blu Ray drive is completely dead , then it stands a chance that your circuit board has blown a fuse.


This is a tricky one to fix, and is not recommended for the amateur repairist, mainly because it involves some fine soldering skills.


This can occur if someone has previously attempted to repair the blu ray drive, without due care and attention.


The first thing to do in order to troubleshoot this, is to check inside for mechanical obstructions. if the mech is working, but the drive is still dead (won't accept a disc at all), then  a fuse is most likely blown. I will post a video for this, but it's tricky.

PS4 (Original) Blu Ray Laser Deck Replacement

Step By Step


You will need screwdrivers for this repair, and if your blu ray drive is dirty, cleaning fluid and a cleaning brush may be needed.


if you have to replace your laser, you will need either a single eye laser or a twin eye laser.



1. Turn the console to the back, and locate the 3 seals on the bottom half of the black cover.


2. Remove the 3 seals with a flat driver, covering the 3 torx T8 screws, from the back of the console.


Remove 3 screws across the bottom (or 1 in the middle with newer original models) 


3. Remove the bottom cover by pulling away from the chassis at the left hand edge, and the right hand edge. pull down to remove, and put aside.


4. Remove the screws from the Power Supply (PSU). 3 torx T8 screws, and 2 cross head screws.


5. Remove the PSU by pulling up from the right hand side, and rock back and forth until it pops out of position.


6. Pull up, but be aware the PSU is still connected underneath, on the left hand side.


7. Locate the PSU connector cable, and pull the plug out of the motherboard, by pulling it upwards.


8. Now remove the 2 Blu Ray connectors. MAKE SURE YOU DO THIS IN THE RIGHT ORDER:


Firstly, locate the flat connector on the right. Press the connector clip down on top of the blu ray drive, and pull out the connector.


9. Then locate the other end of the connector on the motherboard, press the clip, and pull the other end out. DO THIS CAREFULLY.


10. Now, pull the plug out of the board on the left.



(NOTE  - If this isn't done correctly, it is possible to blow the fuses on the blu ray circuit board. if this happens, you could end up with a dead blu ray drive. it is possible to repair the fuses on the board, but its very tricky for the amateur repairist. See our Blu Ray videos to see how.)


11. Remove the torx T8 screw from the bluetooth connector, which is holding the drive down in the top left hand corner.


12. Remove the other Torx T8 screws around the blu ray drive, not forgetting the screw which is hidden underneath the black wire of the drive plug.


13. Remove the little cross head screw along the top edge of the drive.


14. Pull the drive out of its position, and set aside the console chassis until later.


15. Turn the blu ray drive over, so that you've got the metal plate with the circuit board facing you.


16. Remove the cross head screws that are holding the aluminium shield in place.


17. Pull out the 3 connectors. Make sure you flip the black plastic connector upwards first, on the central cable connector.


18. Remove all remaining cross head screws holding down the black laser cover.


19. In order to make access easier, you may want to remove the circuit board altogether temporarily, by removing the remaining screws holding it down.


20. Gently remove the black plastic laser cover.


21. Once open, put your finger inside and gently pull the laser deck up and out of the drive chassis. It will still be attached to the black cover with a cable.


22. Once the laser deck is removed, get your Coldklene spray to hand. Spray some on to a piece of cloth or kitchen paper towel, and then clean the laser eye on the laser mechanism. Be fairly robust with it, but be careful not to scratch the laser. Very often this cleaning process is all that is necessary to get your console Blu Ray drive back up and running again.


23. At this point, put the console back together and test the laser (steps below for putting the console back together)


24. If cleaning the laser didn't work, you will need to replace the laser deck.


25. To remove and replace the laser deck, locate the white connector cable going in to the laser, and flip up the black connector clip.


26. Pull the cable out. This will remove the laser deck.


27. Get your replacement laser deck, and flip up the black connector. 


28. Put the white cable back into the laser connector, and push the black connector clip back down securely. Make sure the cable is fully inserted.


29. Position the laser deck and cover back over the blu ray drive chassis, locate the 4 pins inside, and position the deck over the 4 pins, and push into the chassis gently, but firmly.


30. Cover with the black cover, and put back into place carefully.


31. Put the screws back into the drive cover.


32. Put the circuit board back into position, put the 3 connectors back in place securely, and put the screws in.


33. Put the aluminium shield back into place, and screw down, or alternatively, this can wait until after you've tested your console


34. Position the drive back into the console chassis, and put the totx T8 screws back in around the drive.


35. Put the Bluetooth Torx T8 screw back into the top left corner.


36. Push the drive plug on the left into the motherboard socket FIRST.


37. Then push the left hand end of the flat connector into its socket. Follow with the right hand end into the socket above the blu ray drive.


38. Put the PSU back into place, making sure you have pushed the plug into the board first, and secure the PSU into place with the remaining torx T8 screws, and the 2 cross head screws.


39. Lastly, put the bottom half of the console shell back on, and secure with the last 3 torx T8 screws.


40. Test your console



Equivalent High Street Repair Price:  £75 / $95
Ps4 Lasers

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